Gaylord Opryland Hotel & Convention Center, 2800 Opryland Drive, Nashville, TN 37214
Get DirectionsYes. The NPF has selected The Freeman Companies as the official decorator for the Forum. Costs for booth furnishings, electrical, drayage, etc. will be additional. Please refer to the Freeman Service Manual soon to be accessible on this website.
Confirmation for hotel reservations will come directly from the hotel. Once your NPF registration is processed and your reservation sent to the hotel, the hotel will send out your confirmation. You may also call the hotel directly to confirm your reservation after they have processed it.
Registration, located inside the Gaylord Convention Center opens on Saturday, April 26, 2025, at which time exhibitors can pick-up their badges.
2025 April 27-30, Gaylord Opryland Convention Center, 2800 Opryland Dr., Nashville, TN 37214
2026 May 3-6, Phoenix Convention Center, AZ
2027 May 16-19, Marriott World Center, Orlando, FL
Look under the "Register & Attend" menu and choose the Hotels & Travel tab for Hotel Information.
For $4,450.00 Exhibitors receive the following per 10'x10' space rented:
Over 4,200+ people attend the National Postal Forum. Over 85% of these attendees are potential buying customers within the mailing industry. Approximately 2,200 are mailing industry participants, who represent publishing, banking, insurance, mailing houses, presort, utilities and advertising companies. An additional 1,000 attendees represent exhibiting companies and 300 are USPS representatives.
Booth space is assigned on a first-come, first-assigned basis.
Plan your time accordingly, here is the latest program itinerary.
Exhibitor registration is provided for four individuals per l0′ x lO’ space. This registration entitles EXHIBITORS entry into the exhibition hall during installation, exhibition, dismantle hours, as well as business sessions. Exhibitors who wish to solely attend the full schedule of Educational Sessions and all social events must register as an attendee and pay the fee indicated.
NPF will provide detailed registration instructions to all participating exhibitors after booth assignments have been made. All personnel must be registered under the company that is exhibiting. FOUR BADGES PER lO’ x lO’ BOOTH ARE PROVIDED AND ALLOW ACCESS TO THE EXHIBITION HALL. ANY EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION UPDATES, ADDITIONS, AND CHANGES CAN ALSO BE MADE by signing in with your username and password on our website.
Exhibitors may pick up their badges beginning Saturday, April 26 at Desk at the Gaylord Opryland Ryman C. Hall. Exhibitors are encouraged to register in advance; however, on-site registration will be available at the Exhibitor Registration Desk.
See this convenient checklist to make sure that all your logistical requirements are made. Take note of the service deadlines and order early to save money.
Important DatesHospitality functions are not permitted during National Postal Forum Educational Sessions.
The National Postal Forum monitors closely the requests from companies for hospitality suites and meeting rooms to encourage exhibitors to use the suites during non-official function hours, and to discourage non-exhibiting companies from utilizing a hospitality suite or meeting space for business purposes and product demonstrations. If you are aware of violations of these policies, please inform Show Management.
If you need a meeting room for special meetings, please complete the Meeting Space Request Form and it return it to
Meeting Request Form
Promote your participation by utilizing the NPF logo. Download NPF Logo Pack for your company’s materials.
NPF Logo Pack
The National Postal Forum Rules and Regulations are written to provide all exhibitors an equal opportunity to present their product in the most effective and professional manner to the audience and to protect exhibitors and attendees from unsafe practices. Please review and abide by the Rules and Regulations posted here:
NPF Rules and Regulations
Ryman Exhibition Hall Guidelines
Display Rules and Regulations
Exhibitors may appoint their own outside contractor only for labor and supervision to set up and dismantle their displays. All other show services must be obtained through the official service contractor, The Freeman Companies. Exhibitor appointed sub-contractors must comply with the following rules. Please complete the Non-Official Contractor Form and return it to NPF.
Non-Official Contractor Form
Outside Contractor Rules
Exhibitors may utilize the NPF pre- and post-show mailing list, by choosing from the following options.
You may receive the registered attendee list and process the mailing yourselves or you may go through our mailing house to have your mailing processed. The mailing list does not include the email addresses. Either way, NPF must see the piece and approve it before production. Two weeks prior to the NPF event, we generally have approximately 1500-2000 names to mail to, depending on the categories you choose. Approximately two weeks after the NPF, the total mailing list will be available.
List Agreement
Complete the list agreement and return to NPF.
Please contact Mary Guthrie at 703-293-2313 or with inquiries and for quotes for printing and processing.
NPF will provide detailed hotel registration instructions to all participating exhibitors after booth assignments have been made. All reservations must be made through NPF for the NPF hotel block.
The Exhibitor Service Manual contains rules, regulations and general information, including various order forms for services you may need during your installation and dismantle. Please review this manual as soon as possible and note the various deadlines for specific information and services. If you have questions about any of the information contained in this manual, please contact Show Management or the Freeman Decorating Company. To order services online, please visit their website by clicking below:
Freeman Service Kit
Gaylord Opryland is the exclusive hospitality partner for the Convention Center. For all the details, download their menu here.
Catering Menu